sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

Getting ready to launch: Front-end performance optimization

Thanks to Twitter I discovered a cool presentation by Ralph* (held on the RailsWayCon) about how to optimize the front-end performance of a web-based application. Although clearly targeted at a Ruby on Rails developer audience, Ralph's presentation contains many generally applicable techniques and methods.

Here are the ones I would recommend anyone to consider when doing web-based development and deployment:
  1. User perceived load time of a web-site is determined 10% by the back-end and 90% by the front-end
  2. YSlow (an add-on for the Firefox web-browser) is a tool analyse the (technical) performance of a web-site from the user's perspective; it gives a lot of good advice as well and covers many points mentioned in Ralph's presentation
  3. Activate GZip to compress the output of your web-server before sending it down to the client (Apache: mod_deflate)
  4. is a good tool to determine how much you could get from optimizing your images (and it actually does it for you ;) )
  5. The usage of multiple domains to serve content can speed up the user experience as most browser only download two files per domain at a time
Currently we - at - are evaluating and implementing some of these options for our portal - to enable the delivery of a smooth and fast user experience.

* Disclosure: Ralph and I graduated together in Information Systems at the University of Münster.

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